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Questions on Electron Configurations

To test whether you know all that you need to know you must try to answer these questions before you look at the answers!
You may wish to refer to a periodic table when answering the following questions.

Electron Configurations

Use the information given in the box below when answering the next three questions:

(a)  [Ar] (d)  1s22s22p63s23px23py1
(b)  1s22s22p63s1 (e)  1s22s22p63s23px13py13pz1
(c)  1s22s22p63p1

1.  Which of the electron configurations above best describes the ground state electron configuration of Cl-?
2.  Which of the electron configurations above is possible for the ground state of P?
3.  Which of the electron configurations above describes an excited state of Mg+?

4.  Is the following electron configuration consistent with Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity?

5.  Is the following electron configuration consistent with Pauli's exclusion principle? 6.  What is the orbital energy diagram that best describes the core electron configuration of Si?

7.  What is the orbital energy diagram that best describes the valence electron configuration of O?

Answers ?