I.  Alkyl halide heated with a strong base to give an alkene ? This is a 1,2-elimination, an example of an E2 reaction. The important aspect of an E2 is the anti arrangement (180 degrees) required for the C-H and the C-LG bonds.  In the system shown, rotate the conformation to set up the required staggerd conformation with the anti arrangement and push the arrows give the alkene with the two methyl groups trans- in the alkene.  If you eliminate in the drawn conformation (C-H and C-LG at 0 degrees, then the two methyl groups would end up cis- in the alkene).

II  Change in skeleton suggests carbocations with 1,2-alkyl shifts and the fact that there are two products with the -OH groups in different locations suggests 1,2-hydride shifts.  No alkene, so not an elimination (it's not conc. H2SO4) therefore really an SN1 reaction (aq. H2SO4).  Protonate to make a better leaving group, generate the C+, rearrange, attack the C+ with the nucleophile (water not hydroxide since we are under acidic conditions).


In the scheme B: is used to represent the bases present... these could be HSO4-, water or any of the alcohols shown.

III Alcohols react with alkyl halides to give ethers (Williamson ether synthesis).  So the alcohols cyclohexanol 1 and phenol 2 are the nucleophiles here, reacting in an SN2 reaction with methyl iodide to give methoxycyclohexane and methoxybenzene.  Resonance of the O lone pairs in phenol delocalises the electron density there making the phenol less reactive.  This is perhaps best appreciated by considering the anions.  Resonance in the phenoxide ion (left) delocalises the lone pair making it a weaker nucleophile. There is no resonance (no pi system) in the alkoxide (right).

phenoxide vs alkoxide

IV Alcohols react with HI to give alkyl iodides.  Remember that HO- is a poor leaving group. But here we have an ether, and that means that the potential leaving group is RO- : it's a poor leaving group too.  Therefore we must protonate the O atom first to make a better leaving group (in this case ROH).  Since we have primary systems  there will be no C+ formation (i.e. not SN1) and we get the SN2 reaction with the iodide nucleophile displacing the leaving group.  The ether cleaves initially to give the alkyl iodide and the alcohol. The alcohol then reacts again in a similar fashion to give the second molecule of the alkyl iodide due to the excess HI. 

ether cleavage