- Functional group is an alkene, therefore suffix = -ene
- The longest continuous chain is C3 therefore root = prop
- In order to give the alkene the lowest number, number from the right as drawn
- The C=C is unambiguously between C1 and C2 therefore the locant
isn't required

- Functional group is an alkene, therefore suffix = -ene
- The longest continuous chain is C4 therefore root = but
- The C=C is between C2 and C3 so the locant is 2-
or 2-butene

- Functional group is an alkene, therefore suffix = -ene
- The longest continuous chain is C4 therefore root = but
- In order to give the alkene the lowest number, number from the right as drawn
- The C=C is between C1 and C2 so the locant is 1-
but-1-ene or 1-butene |

- Functional group is an alkene, therefore suffix = -ene
- The longest continuous chain is C6 therefore root = hex
- The system is cyclic there prefix = cyclo
- The C=C is unambiguously between C1 and C2 therefore the locant
isn't required.
- Functional group is an alkene, therefore suffix = -ene
- The longest continuous chain is C5 therefore root = pent
- In order to give the alkene the lowest number, number from the right as drawn
- The C=C is between C2 and C3 so the locant is 2-
- The substituent is a C1 alkyl group i.e. a methyl group
- The methyl group locant is 4-
4-methylpent-2-ene or

- Functional group is an alkene, therefore suffix = -ene
- The longest continuous chain is C6 therefore root = hex
- The C=C is between C3 and C4 so the locant is 3-
- The substituent is a C1 alkyl group i.e. a methyl group
- The first point of difference rule requires numbering from the right
as drawn to make the methyl group locant 3-
3-methylhex-3-ene or 3-methyl-3-hexene
