Mass spectrometry is based on slightly different principles than the other
spectroscopic methods.
The physics behind mass spectrometry is that a charged particle passing
through a magnetic field is deflected on a circular path with a radius
that is proportional to the mass to charge ratio, m/e so for +1 ions, the radius of the path is proportional to the mass of the molecule (i.e. the MW).
In an electron impact (EI) mass spectrometer, a high energy beam of
electrons is used to displace an electron from the organic molecule
to form a radical cation known as the molecular
ion. The EI is a high energy process and a lot of energy is transferred to the molecule. As a result, if the molecular ion is unstable then it can fragment
to give other smaller ions.
The collection of ions formed (i.e. molecular ion and various fragment ions) is focused into a beam then accelerated into
the magnetic field and deflected along circular paths according to the
masses of the ions. By adjusting the magnetic field, the ions can be
focused on the detector and recorded generating the mass spectrum.