A was added to conc. H2SO4 and
the non-polymeric portion of the organic extract was found to contain small
amounts of the starting material A and three other isomeric hydrocarbons,
B, C and D. All four compounds were further investigated
chemically by their reactions with H2 / Pt and with HBr (dark).
In terms of stability (based on heats of combustion), C > B > D
Reaction of either A or D with H2 / Pt gave ethylcyclobutane.
Reaction of A with HBr (dark) gave E, a secondary bromide
whereas reaction of D with HBr (dark) gave F, a tertiary isomer
of E.
Reaction of either B or C with H2 / Pt gave methylcyclopentane.
Reaction of B or C with HBr (dark) gave G.
What are A - G ?
Suggest why and how the A converts to B and C.